Exchange of goods or free return.

You ordered a product and are not satisfied, or the size does not fit. No problem, you have the option to return or exchange the product within 30 days. Returns or exchanges can be done in several ways. You can return the product by delivering it to our warehouse address: MAZORETKA.SK, Přívlaky 12, 285 06 Sázava, or through the service, using the complaint assistant service.

In the case of returning a product without specifying a reason within the statutory period, please fill out the withdrawal form, which you can download in PDF or WORD format.

Please fill out the complaint protocol. You can download it here in PDF format: complaint protocol or in WORD format: complaint protocol.

You can return a product that is undamaged, and if it had one, in its original packaging. You always need to fill out the complaint protocol, pack the product, and send it back to us.

You should bring the package with the returned product to any Zásilkovna shipping point. The package does not need to have a shipping label or address on the package. Find the nearest point.

When sending the package, ask the staff for the service Zpětná logistika and provide them with the identification code of our e-store: 90550901. If you are using the Zásilkovna mobile app, you can also enter the identification code through the app and use the "return package" service. The app will generate a return password, which you will give to the staff. You can track the status of the package in the app. You do not pay for the transportation of the package; we will take care of it for you.

After receiving the package, we will contact you to determine the details of the entire matter.

The price for this service is 90 CZK. When returning the product, an invoice for this amount will be issued, and this amount will be deducted from the issued corrective document.

Note: Only products that have not been modified, printed, or custom-made can be returned. For such products, returns or exchanges are not possible.